SC Uplift Community Outreach

Who we are

SC UpLift Community Outreach was established as a nonprofit corporation in South Carolina in February 2008 and operates as a tax-exempt community housing development organization in South Carolina.

About our Organization

Our goal is to improve conditions in distressed communities by employing three major strategies in conjunction with residents of these communities and key stakeholders.

These are:

1) Provide quality affordable housing for low to moderate income residents;

2) Employ social enterprise as a strategy for community and economic development; and

3) Integrate financial literacy education training into existing life skills training programs.

We strive to help individuals and families, as they seek to improve their quality of life, through the provision of safe, secure, and affordable housing by working through collaborative relationships to create or re-create neighborhoods, that when connected to others, form environments that nurture human potential in all the major cornerstones of a community —educational, social, economic, environmental and health.

We believe that communities such as the ones we envision are the bedrock of our nation’s stability. Providing opportunities for quality, affordable housing to working families and to the increasing number of our citizens who are homeless. Our top priority is to employ a range of strategies that have proven effective in achieving the goal of nurturing community environments.

Our Vision

Our vision is to UpLift and improve communities in need.

Our Mission

To initiate, promote and assist in the development of housing, economic development, and community improvement programs and activities.

To help neighborhood leaders and residents participate in planning and carrying out community improvement activities, such as the creation of home ownership opportunities, the promotion of rehabilitation programs, housing development and rehabilitation, housing management, open space projects and economic development projects.

To organize neighborhood residents of all ages to identify and respond to community issues.

To provide facilities and personnel the funds for studies, surveys and demonstration activities leading to effective programs to be carried out by private and public institutions and agencies directed toward the achievement of the goals of the SC UpLift.

To work cooperatively with existing public and private agencies toward the effective utilization of human resources in the community.

To make contributions, grants or loans of funds or property, with or without interest, that will further the objective of the SC UpLift and accomplish its purposes.

To acquire by purchase, gift, devise, bequest, lease or otherwise, to own, hold, use, maintain, improve, and operate, and to sell, lease and otherwise dispose of, real and personal property to the extent authorized by law.

In general, to perform and do all other acts and things incidental to or in furtherance of the accomplishment of the proposes of SC UpLift.

SC UpLift Board of Directors

  • Kevin E. Wimberly, President/CEO
  • Joe Gardner-Chairman
  • Brent Byars, Treasurer
  • Alma Hollis, Secretary
  • Jacqueline Green
  • Tammy G. Wimberly
  • Brian Colclough
  • Monique S. McDaniels