SC Uplift Community Outreach


SC UpLift has been generous in its support of other community-based initiatives in devastated and low-income neighborhoods by serving as fiscal agent for a wide range of local programs that would not have received funding without SC UpLift standing in the gap. Most impressive about SC Uplift is its faithful adherence to accepted standards of high performing practices known to be critical to the sustainability of nonprofit organizations. They operate within the tight but essential boundaries of impeccable integrity. The organization’s executive leader is Kevin Wimberly, who with his wife Tammy founded SC UpLift Community Outreach.

Affordable housing is at the organizations core and all of us have special feelings about what a home means in our own lives. While SC UpLift directly engages in different strategies to remain focused on its mission, it is especially adept at finding collaborative ways to provide services in low income and devastated communities so their members receive and participate in activities that “round out” what “community” really means in the broadest sense. These ventures have covered educational, historic, and social needs whose developers frequently ask SC UpLift to serve as fiscal agent for grants to support community-initiated activities—a vital function when neighborhoods lack access to a federally exempt nonprofit organization.

This organization is one in which I take great personal and professional pride. SC UpLift’s adherence to the standards of high-performing nonprofit organizations has made possible better lives for thousands of South Carolina’s low- to moderate-income communities. And that folks is the major expectation of all nonprofit organizations that enjoy the benefit of federal tax exemption and the privilege of indemnification.

Your monetary support of this organization will be rewarded with a consultation with Kevin on concerns you may have about an organization that is special to you. Upon request I will join Kevin in this process. Tax deductible donations can be made by scanning the barcode to the right or  you can mail your check to SC UpLift Community Outreach, P.O. Box 3728, Columbia, SC 29230.

Midlands Give for Black Philanthropy Month

• August 28, 1955 Emmett Till was brutally murdered